Thanks for the Visit ! 

   Here you will find information on the Creation, the Playing and the Performance         of samadhisoundscapes. My Music , Gigs , Art and the Instruments I Build. 

- To be Clear , you should know that I am a One Man Operation and as such I can only produce a small amount of instruments per year. If you are looking for an immediate purchase of a Handpan, with great respect might I suggest that I am not the guy for you and to seek out one of the other handpan manufactures some of which you will find on my 'Resources' page .. I am much more connected to the process of creating and playing than I am in moving a product . 

     - I have Taught myself to make these beautiful sound sculptures by process of trial and error .. mostly error        and made my own Tools and Equipment for building over the past few years. My passion for doing this is matched only by the passion of playing those instruments I create , in surroundings I feel are enhanced from the unique Timbre and Vibration from them . I feel it important to state this from the outset ... Just so you know there is no ''big production'' line here only manufacturing to order.  

- A little About me ... My name is David and I am a Musician/Artist  from Glasgow, Scotland. In 2012 I  started Hammering in the hope I might somehow produce something that I had only ever seen ... but not physically touched. As there was very little information on the building process at that time I found myself guesstimating sizes and tools needed. ( or thought I needed) . I produced many Prototype shells in order to try and develop the correct understanding ... of course this led to many frustrating hours of ruining shells and wrongly built instruments , but the lessons learned were invaluable and in the last two years things have fallen into place and what seemed like an impossible dream has began to take shape.

- My Handpans up until recently have been mainly tools for me to learn on , and from. Instruments with any tone left in them after my assaults have been passed on in some manner. But I have NO 'Waiting List' ... There is an INTEREST list which you are welcome to join and be kept aware of any changes or important information .

- I believe intention is the basis of manifesting anything worthwhile and mine is focused on trying to produce a truly beautiful sonic sound sculpture that will bring                  happiness and inspiration to those who touch and listen to it.                         I also want to create a sustainable and ethical livelihood to take care of the people that are closest to me and that I love most.
David x

Main Photograph Courtesy of Dylan Drummond /
